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Frequently Asked Questions


TSUMC is a small church with a family atmosphere. There are various groups with which  to get involved  such as Sunday school classes, Bible study, Prayer Group,  Acolytes, Fellowship Groups, United Women in Faith and our United Methodist Men group. Participants are able to fellowship with others who have similar interests.


How can I find out more about TSUMC?
Call our church phone 615-595-1855 or email us at


Where is TSUMC?
We are located at 1517 Thompson’s Station Road West, next to Thompson’s Station Park and the Fire Station.  (also see the Contact Us page)

  • From Franklin, follow Hwy 31 South to Thompson’s Station Road. Turn right and our church is at the first stop sign.

  • From Spring Hill, follow Hwy 31 North to Thompson’s Station Road.  Turn left and our church is at the first stop sign.

  • From I-65/I-840, take I-840 to Hwy 31 Columbia Pike. Turn left on Hwy 31 and travel 2 miles to the first stop light at Thompson’s Station Road. Turn right and our church is at the first stop sign.


When are our services?

  • Sunday School 9:00 am

  • Sunday Worship 10:00 am


Is a nursery provided?
We provide a nursery for our worship services for infants and  children through age 4 years old upon request. Please ask an usher.


How do guests register?
We provide registration cards for guests to sign and place in the offering plate. We do not single out guests by asking them to stand or speak during the service. We appreciate guests providing us with their name and address so we can follow up if they let us know how to reach them.


Can guests participate in communion?
Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. United Methodists practice open communion. Everyone present may participate if they so desire.


How can someone join the church?
We receive new members at the close of Sunday morning service. If you wish to join, come to the front during the last hymn. If you wish to talk with a minister about church membership, check “Wish to Join” on the registration card so the minister can contact you.

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